Escape to God
Author: Jim Hohnberger
BOOK (paperback): Price: $15.00 Click here for volume price. (Code: ETGP_BOOK).
AUDIO (cd): Sermons - Price: $24.00 (Code: ETG_CD). Audio book - Price: $32 (Code: ETGAB_CD)
VIDEO: 3 DVDs. Price: $ 30.00 (Code: ETG_DVD)
A sizable income that most envy, leadership roles in your church and community, family, friends, and a beautiful home...the American dream quickly becoming our worst nightmare! Financial stress, social pressures and the never-ending anxiety of life... Looking like good Christians, but powerless and miserable behind closed doors.
In search of authentic Christianity, author Jim Hohnberger and his family found the restorative power of God's love. Read more
Parenting by the Spirit
Author: Sally Hohnberger
BOOK: Price: $13.00 Click here for volume price. (Code: PBTS_BOOK)
AUDIO (cd): Five key sermons from the book, Parenting by the Spirit. Price: $20.00 (Code: PBTS_CD)
VIDEO: 3 DVDs. Price: $30.00 (Code: PBTS_DVD)
"Lord I blew it again! I'm making a mess of raising my children when I really want to do what's right. Maybe someone else would do a better job of raising them. I'm so depressed I'm ready to give up."
- Ever been there? Sure you have, and so has Sally Hohnberger. Armed with Scriptures such as Children, obey your parents (Eph. 6:1),- this young Christian mother had high ideals and lofty goals for raising orderly, obedient children. But instead of molding her boys into the image of Christ, her increasing harshness and anger was driving them into a spirit of rebellion. She wanted to quit, but God has something wonderful to show her. Read more
Men of Power
Author: Jim Hohnberger
BOOK: Price: $17.00 Click here for volume price. (Code: MOP_BOOK)
AUDIO: 6 messages. Price: $24.00 (Code: MOP_CD)
5 messages. Price: $30.00 (Code: MOP_DVD)
Being a real man of God today is a proposition fraught with difficulties. Building on and expanding the popular CD series, The Making of a Man, Men of Power delves deeper into the crux issues that face every man. If you are a man or are growing into a man...if you are related to a man or are a friend to a man, Men of Power: Reclaiming Your Legacy offers something for you! Read more
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